Friday, February 16, 2024
Murphy Jersey Retirement
CA is thrilled to announce the retirement of Trey Murphy III’s Charger basketball jersey in a special ceremony to be held in the Fitness Center from 2-3pm on February 16. Currently making waves with the NBA’s New Orleans Pelicans, Trey will be honored for his exceptional achievements as a CA student and significant contributions to our basketball program.
We’re excited to welcome Trey, his family and friends within the CA community, alums, faculty, and our student body for this momentous celebration. (While we wish we could open the ceremony further, space limitations prevent us from doing so). Non-student attendees are asked to RSVP at HERE.
FC Concession Stand, FC Lobby, Fitness Center - Gym
Ali Page
Friday, February 16, 2024 12:00am - 12:00am