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Five make their pitch on Pitch Night

May 10, 2017

Five CA Upper School students will pitch their business ideas to two local companies in a sponsored Pitch Night on May 15.

The students – Mason Reece, Kennedy Byrd, Tori Borlase, Julian Sodano and Anjali Velu – are among 20 from eight different high schools who were nominated by District C for this event. District C is a nonprofit that prepares future leaders with the skills and mindsets needed to be competent contributors in the digital age.

The students have spent the last month solving real problems for Fleet Feet Sports and Fit For 90. On May 15, the students, in teams called C Squads, will pitch their solutions to management.

The event will run from 6:30-8PM at Nash Hall, 108 S. Blount St., Raleigh.

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