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Four win at NC Chinese speech contest

May 8, 2017

At the 8th Annual North Carolina Chinese Speech Contest Finals, which took place on April 29 at the NCSU Hunt Library, four CA students won awards. In addition, Cary Academy won the 2017 Chinese Speech Contest Excellent Organization Award.

The 10 finalists in the Advanced category, seven of which were from CA, were selected from more than 600 students in the state of North Carolina competing in three categories: memorized speech, impromptu speech and talent show. Only six finalists were selected and awarded a prize. The CA award winners are:

  • Alexandra Ellison, Speech Eloquence Award
  • Sasha Kostenko, Stage Charisma Award
  • Tyler Marshall, Best Talent Award
  • Luke Johnson, 3rd Place Award

Also, Robert Schellenberger won a Participation Award. Two of the seven finalists from CA couldn’t make it to the Speech Final due to sports event or sickness.

“Our students deserve the highest praise not only because they worked alone on their material, but they also competed against university students including the first-prize winner, a Ph.D. Chinese major,” said Chinese instructor Trish Yu.

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