Last night, the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics presented Upper School math teacher John Noland with the 2019 State Math Contest Coach’s Award. Noland has coached math teams at CA for the past eleven years.
“This award recognizes Mr. Noland’s commitment to engaging all students to think critically,” says Upper School math department chair Craig Lazarski. “He welcomes all students to his contest math class and encourages them to engage with unique and interesting mathematical problems. As our math team coach, he has worked continuously to develop Cary Academy students into mathletes that can compete against the top students in our state.”
“Anyone can fall in love with math,” says Noland. “I encourage my students to think of every math problem as a puzzle. When you allow yourself to enjoy the process of figuring out a math problem and getting to that eureka moment, it becomes so much more than just memorization.”
written by Communications Intern Caroline Diorio