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Upper School

CA Future Health Professionals charge ahead in State HOSA competition

March 13, 2019

Exactly a week ago, Jarrica Kirkpatrick and I (Troy Weaver) took 15 members of our CA Chapter of HOSA-Future Health Professionals (formerly Health Occupations Students of America) who qualified to participate at the State Leadership Conference (SLC) in Charlotte.  In fact, this time last week, HOSA was invited to take in an NBA game and we watched the Charlotte Hornets battled the Miami Heat!  The next day we prepared for our own battles as competition was steep…there were a couple hundred schools from around the state and several thousand students (filling 6 hotels in downtown Charlotte!) who aspire to careers in the medical/health sciences!  

Of the 15 students who participated, 3 sat for knowledge tests whose results were not revealed until Saturday morning’s closing awards ceremony. The remaining 12 sat for a Round One exam last Thursday and had to wait to learn whether they’d advance to Friday’s Round Two for practical and skills assessment.  The results, all 12 advanced to Round Two,  with eleven of  them earning “Top Ten” in our state! Here are final placements by competitive event:

  • Biomedical Debate (4th  Place) – Sarah Hallman, Nikki Tehrani, Angelina Chen, Anisha Rustogi
  • Biomedical Debate (7th Place) – Salma Said, RJ Jain, Ian Washabaugh
  • CERT (Critical Emergency Response Team) Skills (8th Place) – Cindy Li and Christianna Swift  
  • Epidemiology (1st Place) – Eric Wang
  • Pharmacology (3rd Place) – Liya Chen

While Eric and Liya’s “Top 3” placements automatically qualify them for the International Leadership Conference (ILC), it is quite possible that those in Biomedical Debate and CERT Skills would have the opportunity to attend ILC in Orlando in June!  HOSA Chapter Advisors have been given until Friday evening, March 15th to code the intent of any students who placed in the “Top Ten.”  Coding your intent means that if a higher finishing individual/team is unable to attend ILC, NC HOSA will open up that event to the next individual(s) on the “Top Ten” spreadsheet. Last year, there were events that went as deep as “9” that ended up representing NC and competing at ILC in Dallas! 


  • Jillian Rokuskie made it to Round Two in Clinical nursing…a very competitive field in a popular event!
  • Sarah, Nikki, Angelina and Anisha were competing in their first-ever SLC and had to compete against our second CA team, including veterans Salma and RJ (who represented CA and NC at the Dallas ILC last year!)
  • Cindy and Christianna made it to Round Two for the second year in a row, but this time they placed in the “Top Ten!”
  • Liya placed “3rd” in her very first SLC, and was in a very competitive field with perennial powerhouses from across the state!
  • Eric placed “1st” in extemporaneous writing at our District Leadership Conference last fall and automatically qualified for this event at States, but he opted to pursue a greater challenge with his interest in epidemiology and diligently prepared for this event, finishing “1st” again!
  • Our student represented us well! They were competing against students who attend specialized/magnet high schools that have classes and clinicals in medical and health science fields!

Guest Post by
Troy K. Weaver, Biology Teacher, Upper School Science

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Softball celebrates ‘senior night’ while social distancing

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Letting Our Children Be Who They Are Meant To Be

Alumni News

CA to celebrate Homecoming with fall and winter festivities

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Upper School

Triangle Debate League holds inaugural tournament

March 13, 2019

The Triangle Debate League—a non-profit organization comprised of CA student peer-mentors and collegiate debate coaches—hosted their inaugural tournament on March 12th with students from Jordan, Hillside and Southern High Schools. CA Speech and Debate students came out in big numbers to support, judge, and make the event run smoothly. Founded at CA, TDL works to bring speech and debate to Durham and Wake county schools that don’t have the resources to otherwise support the activity. 

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CA musicians start 2021 on a high note

CA Curious

Variety in virtual learning

CA Curious

There’s a Crackle in the Air

Library from quad

Upper School

Speech and Debate sweeps final Dogwood Tournament

March 13, 2019

CA’s novice speech and debaters finished off the Dogwood Speech and Debate League tournaments with another sweepstakes win on March 9. They swept the top six spots in Lincoln Douglas Debate, five of the six in Public Forum Debate, four of the top six/top three in Declamation, three of the top four in Impromptu, two of top four in Oral Interpretation and a win in Informative Speaking.  They also had novices place in Original Oratory, Extemporaneous, and Duo!

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CA Curious

Happy Thanksgiving!

CA Speech & Debate Shines at Carolina East District Tournament

CA Curious

Moving forward, United

Varsity Robotic Team bagged and tagged

Upper School

Varsity Robotics’ last-ever ‘Bag Day’

February 20, 2019

There’s a little-known CA event that has occurred around the third Tuesday of every February since 2014. For Varsity Robotics it’s officially called ‘Stop Build Day,’ but more commonly known as ‘Bag and Tag Day,’ or simply ‘Bag Day’.

Varsity Robotics competes in the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC), where students build 120 pound robots designed to conquer the challenges set forth in that particular year’s game. The game is announced on the first Saturday of January, giving teams just six weeks to design, build and test their robot. This six week build time was designed to ensure parity so that all teams had the same amount of time to build, regardless of whether they compete at events in week one or week five of the tournament season.

So, every year since the inaugural FRC season at CA, the varsity team has worked in the CA Makerspace after hours, frantically trying to complete their build. While FIRST rules state that teams have until midnight, CA coaches set an internal deadline of 10pm, for the sake and sanity of all involved. Some years we fell short, being snowed out more than once, other years we didn’t make the deadline, only to have to lights go out, resulting in a slow scrambling around the Makerspace guided by our cell phone lights.

Consistent every year, however, was camaraderie, excitement, stress, pizza, good decisions, not-so-good decisions, the thrilling feeling of ‘breaking rules’ by being in the building so late (on a school night, no less) and the ceremony of bagging and tagging the robot.

To an outsider, Bag Day might seem like a mundane task of finishing up and putting a robot in a big bag, but to those of us involved it is ceremonial. It marks the end of build season and the beginning of competition season. It’s a chance to take a breath, step back and look at the machine that was born from collective efforts in design, engineering, creativity, sweat, compromises, hard decisions, duct tape, zip ties and lots of snacks.

Sadly, this was our last bag day. Cary Academy will still compete in FRC, but FIRST has decided to eliminate Bag Day, as it no longer meets its purpose of parity. Removing this restriction will give smaller, less established teams more time for proper drive practice, and the opportunity to perfect their programming and designs; something that larger, more established teams were managing because they had the means and resources to build two robots, bagging one and practicing with the other.

It is a good rule change and one that makes sense, however, I’m sure I’m not the only one who will miss the ceremony of Bag Day. We’ll still have plenty to celebrate and we’ll still have the magic of being an FRC team, because robots rock our world.

Want to experience the delight of robots?

  • Catch our JV (FIRST Tech Challenge) teams in action on February 23rd at the Trinity School of Durham and Chapel Hill. Matches run from 10am – 5pm.
  • See the Varsity (FRC) team compete on March 9 & 10 at Holly Springs High School Matches run from 10:30 am – 6 pm.

– Guest Post by Besty MacDonald, Upper School Design, Programming and Robotics Teacher

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Alumni Spotlight

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CA Curious

Finding connection through virtual dialogue


Sandra Gutierrez opens her kitchen – and her heart – to hungry viewers

Swimming 2019 champs


CA’s girls’ and boys’ varsity swim teams surge to State Champion titles

February 12, 2019

Congratulations to Cary Academy’s State Champion girls’ and boys’ Varsity Swim Teams! An astounding THIRTY TWO different boys and girls made it to the Finals and scored. This marks the girls’ third consecutive State Championship title.

Congratulations to everyone (parent supporters and volunteers included) who contributed to two tremendous State Champion wins. We had our share of first place finishes and oodles of personal best swims – most of which were crazy drops in time. But, most of all, congratulations on being two great teams and One Big Family! You swam and cheered to near exhaustion. Your support for one another all season long in inspiring and led to a special evening.

Special Congrats to:

  • Charlotte Hook with TWO State Meet Record swims in the IM (1:59.84) and 100 Butterfly (:54.63) and a first place, individual State Champion finish in the 100 Butterfly
  • Nisma Said with an individual State Champion swim in the 100 Backstroke while lowering her own school record time to 56.24 seconds
  • The Girls 200 Medley Relay State Champion team of Nisma Said, Amy Chang, Charlotte Hook and Helen Chen with a school record setting time of 1:47.25.
  • Jack Todd for being an individual State Champion in the 200 Freestyle with a time of 1:47.14
  • Will Newman setting a new school record in his 2nd place swim in the 50 Free at 21.70 seconds.
  • The boys 200 Medley Relay team who placed 3rd and smashed the old school record with a time of 1:41.81; Kevin Chen, Alex Lim, Nate Alexander and Will Newman
  • The boys 200 Free Relay State Champion team of Constantin Zodl, Quinn Vaughan, Oliver Wang and Will Newman who set the tone for the 2nd half of the meet

A full breakdown of times and finishes will be available soon.

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Magazine of CA

Summer School

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From hallways to homes: Re-imagining community-building at CA

Middle School

Earth Day at Cary Academy

Library from quad

CERT students visit Raleigh Police Department’s Special Operations Facility for hands-on learning

December 13, 2018


On Tuesday, December 4, nine CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) students visited the Raleigh Police Department's Special Operations Facility. The Special Operations Facility houses all specialty units for the police department, including the bomb squad, SWAT, K-9, and motorcycle unit, as well as performing other administrative functions.

Students were treated to two presentations and Q&A sessions. Captain J.A. Taylor and Detective J.T. Heinrich of the Hazardous Devices Unit (aka "the bomb squad") presented on two robots used to handle and contain potentially-explosive materials, discussed suspicious package handling and x-ray techniques, and demonstrated a variety of personal protective gear used on the job.

Lieutenant S.M. Gunter of the Selective Enforcement Unit (aka SWAT) offered an in-depth look at how SWAT officers train and provided a hands-on demonstration of how specialty equipment–like battering rams–are used in the field.

In both instances, students got a chance to interact with a variety of protective gear and tools of the trade. Altogether, this opportunity offered students a unique behind-the-scenes glimpse into the world of high-stakes crisis and emergency response careers.

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program trains students to prepare for emergencies in their communities. CERT students also help with non-emergency projects that improve the safety of the community.



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Upper School

A Strong Start to an Inaugural Season


Finding Camaraderie, Collaboration in Mask Making

Community Conversations

Follow the leaders: Spotlight on Leadership In Crisis Program

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Collaborative US/MS dance and orchestra concert delights audience; video now available

November 29, 2018

The CA community enjoyed a special treat on Wednesday, November 7: a collaborative cross-divisional dance and orchestra concert featuring the works Hey There Delilah (Middle School) and Bitter (Upper School). 

In addition, the Middle School orchestra presented Mark Williams’ Dorian Variations, JC Bach’s Sinfonia in D major and Fiddle Tune arranged by M. Isaac. The Upper School Honors orchestra performed Serenade for String Orchestra by E. Elgar and the Symphony orchestra played Beethoven Symphony no. 7 second movement and Brahms’ Symphony no. 1 fourth movement.

A video of the performance can be found here.


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Trying it on for size


Homecoming Heroics

Storytelling at CA

Library from quad

CA cross-country closes out season with strong showing at state meet

November 1, 2018

Last Friday's state cross-country meet was a wet and sloppy "mud run" in the midst of Tropical Depression Willa. But, in CA style, our boys and girls battled through the conditions and posted outstanding runs and results.

The boys finished 3rd overall behind Providence Day who edged Durham Academy by 1 point. The girls, squaring off against TISAC rival Durham Academy, earned runners-up.   

With more than 100 runners competing in both the boys and girls races, four CA boys and girls earned all-state honors in the sloppy conditions in Hendersonville. Congratulations to Kenny Eheman (6th-boys), Luke Johnson (7th-boys), Keely Murphy (6th-girls), and Lia Lathan (10th-girls)

Congratulations to all the CA runners on yet another terrific XC season! Click here for full final results.

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CA musicians start 2021 on a high note

CA Curious

When history happens overnight


Pi Day provides infinite delight

Library from quad

Students selected to represent CA in North Carolina Honors Chorus

October 25, 2018

Three Cary Academy chorus students earned one of the coveted spots in the North Carolina Honors Choirs this year. The spots are highly competitive among the strongest choral musicians in the state and require performing a difficult piece of choral repertoire and sight singing an excerpt that they have one minute to learn.

Eighth-grade chorus student, Koen Chao, will be representing Cary Academy as a Bass in the NC Middle School Honors Chorus.

Sophomores Vibhav Nandagiri, Tenor 2, and Brandon Yi, Bass 1, will be representing Cary Academy in the NC High School Honors Chorus.

The event is held in Winston Salem over the weekend of November 10 and 11 in conjunction with the North Carolina Music Educators Association and culminates in a concert that is free to the public at the Stevens Center in downtown Winston Salem. The Middle School concert is at 1:30pm and the High School concert is at 3:00pm on Sunday, November 11, 2018.

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Turning on a dime: Transitioning to a virtual school environment

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