Lara Crochik

Alumni News

Alumna named one of North Carolina’s “20 Under 20” Latinx leaders

October 8, 2020

LatinxEd, a North Carolina-based non-profit educational initiative has named Lara Crochik ’20 one of its “20 Under 20.”

Each year, LatinxEd — an organization dedicated to cultivating young Latinx leaders from the Southern U.S. with the aim of removing barriers to higher education and economic opportunities for North Carolina’s growing Latinx community — compiles a state-wide list of 20 outstanding Latinx students under the age of 20. To be honored as a member of the annual “20 Under 20” list, nominees must be lifelong learners, demonstrate a commitment to their communities, and embody inspiring leadership.

Crochik, now in her first year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, co-founded Cary Academy’s Delta Service Club, working with the Center for Community Engagement to elevate service opportunities for CA students on- and off-campus. Currently studying Global Studies and Political Science, Crochik — the child of Brazilian immigrants — tells LatinxEd that she hopes to apply her passion to the nonprofit sector or in the United States Department of State. Her dream is “to help others get access to the same opportunities as she has had, bring different people together, and to help improve the world.”

LatinxEd will honor Crochik and her fellow honorees during a virtual gala on Saturday, October 10.

Written by Dan Smith, Digital Content Producer and Social Media Manager

Alumni News

Alumna named one of North Carolina’s “20 Under 20” Latinx leaders

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