Erik Carriker ’14

Alumni News

CA Alumnae in healthcare opens up, shares what she’s learned

April 16, 2020

Erin Carriker (’14) posted this message on Instagram: “Tomorrow, the family medicine clinic I have called home for the past nine months is becoming a respiratory care clinic.”

After graduating from Davidson in 2018 ( go Wildcats!), Erin earned her Masters of Science in Biomedical Science last May from Duke University.

In her Instagram post, Erin shared some of the challenges she’s been grappling with since this transition was first announced to her and the team. Fear, worry, and uncertainty were at the top of the list. But, gratitude rose to the top. As Erin writes: “I am grateful to the coworkers who have become family, to the mentors that nurture me, to the patients that are now an integral part of my life. Being forced out of ‘normal’ is difficult, yet I am so thankful for all the learning still to be done. I am thankful for this incredible opportunity to participate in healing. This is teaching me that fear and courage are not mutually exclusive, that though our voices may shake we are still able to shout ‘we are ready’.”

Thank you Erin for being of the countless frontline healthcare workers putting your own health and safety at risk to provide comfort and care to members of our community!

We want to lift up all of the generous, kind, compassionate acts that Cary Academy folks are doing each and every day as #CAGivesForGood. There is no act too small to acknowledge and celebrate! In a sentence or two, let us know what your family is doing to support our community here.

Written by Dan Smith, Digital Content Producer and Social Media Manager

Alumni News

CA Alumnae in healthcare opens up, shares what she’s learned

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Healthy Curiosity