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Leadership Announcements

January 25, 2018

Over the course of the past fall, Cary Academy has been recruiting for three high-level leadership positions in the area of school external relations: Director of Development, Director of Communications, and Director of Admissions and Financial Aid. One of these positions is new, and two will fill retirements from long-serving CA employees.

As a part of our strategic plan, the school has reorganized the way we would like to handle communications. Responding to the rapid changes in technology and social media, we have created a new senior-level Director of Communications position that will serve the entire school.

Ms. Goodman, far right, on a spirit week Twin Day.

Denise Goodman, our Director of Admissions, is retiring in June after a remarkable career serving our school since near its inception. Lynne Fountain, our former Director of Advancement, left CA last June after serving CA since our founding.

The search for these three positions involved students, parents, alumni, faculty, staff, and board members. Let me thank everybody who served on a screening or interview committee.

It gives me great pleasure to welcome:

Ali Page has been named Director of Development. Ms. Page will join us from Stanford University, where she is currently the Director of Class Giving for the Stanford Fund. Ali was previously Assistant Director of Capital Gifts at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill College of Arts and Sciences. She is a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill and a North Carolina native who is excited to return “home.”

Mandy Dailey has been named Director of Communications. Ms. Dailey has been the Director of Administration for the Humanities, Arts, Sciences, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC) that was started at Duke University. She began her career in the Duke University Press. She has an undergraduate degree from the University of Washington and a Masters’ in Technology and Communications from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Heather Clarkson has been named Director of Admissions and Financial Aid. Ms. Clarkson has done an outstanding job as our Upper School Principal the last six years. She recently shared her decision to apply for this new role with the Upper School faculty, characterizing it as a chance to grow professionally at a school she holds dear and share her passion about Cary Academy with a whole new set of constituents – potential students and their families.

Together these three individuals will form an unbelievable team for Cary Academy.

Ms. Clarkson’s transition creates the need for a new Upper School Principal in 2018-2019. We have begun this process and hope to have a successor named, either permanent or interim, by early in T3.

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Upper School

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